Official Rules: gRouper
gRouper is an extension of the game sol-R, from the book "Ricochet and Other Fun Games with an Odd Ball" by Chris Cavert. (The Ricochet Page has information on how you can obtain the paperback version.)
Applications: gRouper is a great game for a small group of players to develop hand-eye coordination, clear communication skills, and collaborative behaviors. Players also learn to challenge themselves and establish group goals. gRouper can be played on small or large Spans (hard surfaces of play). If multiple group are playing, be mindful, too many games going at the same time, in the same area, can be hazardous.
Needs: 1 Ricochet Ball (the official ball is a solid 6-nubbed rubber ball) and a ground level Span for each group of 2, 3, 4, or 5 players. Don’t forget to stretch out before playing!!
Numbers: Groups of 2, 3, 4, or 5 players (In the Ricochet Records Book, you can submit records for groups of 2, 3, 4 or 5)
Play: gRouper is played just like sol-R (another record-setting ricochet game for single players). A great game for developing "team" behaviors and skills. Even though there is really no way (at least we haven’t done a formal study on it yet) to determine the reaction of the r-ball (the players name for the ricochet ball), small groups CAN work on their spacing play and reaction time for catching the ball.
In this game players take turns Server the ball - after the first serve of the game, the player who catches the ball becomes the next server. All players can receive or, catch the ball at any time after a serve. As in a number of Ricochet games, there are three types of serves a group can choose from. There is a Sneaker (low serve), a Skyscraper (mid-level serve), or a Rocket (a very high serve). The group gets 10 serves per game. So, this means, 10 chances to catch the ball for points during a game. The objective is to see how many points a group can accumulate after 10 serves. A point is counted every time the ball touches the Span [ground surface], but to earn the points that touch the span, someone in the group must catch the ball - the major challenge of the game is to decide when it is most appropriate to catch it. Is the risk worth the reward? (The longer the ball stays in play, the more unpredictable the bounces.)
Scenario: Okay, let’s go with a Skyscraper serve (mid-level serve into the air). Someone from the group makes the underhand serve into the air (serves are ALWAYS underhanded in gRouper). The ball hits the Span once, twice, three times – someone better grab it!! YES! Nice Catch. The group has 3 points on the board, after one serve. The group stays with the Skyscraper one more time. The player that caught the ball after the first serve is now the server (this player can choose to let someone else serve). OH NO, a crazy bounce. It’s heading for the fence. It hits the fence and drops to the ground and stops bouncing. This is called a, "Done Ball!" No points for that serve. The group still has 3 points though (you never lose what you got!) after two serves. The group decides to play it safe - they go for the Sneaker. Good, one, two, someone grabs it! Okay, maybe a little too safe! But, the group has two more points. Total of 5 after three serves. You’ve got seven more serves. The group continues on, deciding which of the three serves to use and determining, sometimes together, "Catch It!!" when to grab the ball. After 10 serves, try another game to beat your current high score, if there is time.
Be sure to check The Official Records Book to see the current standing and to find out if you get into the top ten. The Records Book has more details about submitting game scores.
Play On!!
Needs: 1 Ricochet Ball (the official ball is a solid 6-nubbed rubber ball) and a ground level Span for each group of 2, 3, 4, or 5 players. Don’t forget to stretch out before playing!!
Numbers: Groups of 2, 3, 4, or 5 players (In the Ricochet Records Book, you can submit records for groups of 2, 3, 4 or 5)
Play: gRouper is played just like sol-R (another record-setting ricochet game for single players). A great game for developing "team" behaviors and skills. Even though there is really no way (at least we haven’t done a formal study on it yet) to determine the reaction of the r-ball (the players name for the ricochet ball), small groups CAN work on their spacing play and reaction time for catching the ball.
In this game players take turns Server the ball - after the first serve of the game, the player who catches the ball becomes the next server. All players can receive or, catch the ball at any time after a serve. As in a number of Ricochet games, there are three types of serves a group can choose from. There is a Sneaker (low serve), a Skyscraper (mid-level serve), or a Rocket (a very high serve). The group gets 10 serves per game. So, this means, 10 chances to catch the ball for points during a game. The objective is to see how many points a group can accumulate after 10 serves. A point is counted every time the ball touches the Span [ground surface], but to earn the points that touch the span, someone in the group must catch the ball - the major challenge of the game is to decide when it is most appropriate to catch it. Is the risk worth the reward? (The longer the ball stays in play, the more unpredictable the bounces.)
Scenario: Okay, let’s go with a Skyscraper serve (mid-level serve into the air). Someone from the group makes the underhand serve into the air (serves are ALWAYS underhanded in gRouper). The ball hits the Span once, twice, three times – someone better grab it!! YES! Nice Catch. The group has 3 points on the board, after one serve. The group stays with the Skyscraper one more time. The player that caught the ball after the first serve is now the server (this player can choose to let someone else serve). OH NO, a crazy bounce. It’s heading for the fence. It hits the fence and drops to the ground and stops bouncing. This is called a, "Done Ball!" No points for that serve. The group still has 3 points though (you never lose what you got!) after two serves. The group decides to play it safe - they go for the Sneaker. Good, one, two, someone grabs it! Okay, maybe a little too safe! But, the group has two more points. Total of 5 after three serves. You’ve got seven more serves. The group continues on, deciding which of the three serves to use and determining, sometimes together, "Catch It!!" when to grab the ball. After 10 serves, try another game to beat your current high score, if there is time.
Be sure to check The Official Records Book to see the current standing and to find out if you get into the top ten. The Records Book has more details about submitting game scores.
Play On!!