During the training he led one of my favorite tag games, Popper Tag. Over the years I have called this one Flashback Tag. I use soft tossables or crumpled up paper (snow)balls. The idea is to toss your tossable at the backs of other players. If you hit a back (between the shoulders and the waist - no arms), you get a point. First one to 10 wins.
Okay, fast forward to 2007ish. Noodle poppers showed up on the scene. I first saw them in the book, Achieving Fitness. Popper Tag was in the "Cardio" section of the book. Poppers are basically half of a noodle chip, You can make them yourself (see the red chip in the picture). Or pick up a bucked of Noodle Bits (for a decent price as of this writing) from Flaghouse HERE (see the yellow chip/bit in the picture).
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.