I've played this one with middle school age groups and older. So far, 12 groups in play is the most I've tried this with.
The Basics:
- Hooper Dooper is meant to be a self-directed activity for one or more small groups of five to six players.
- Provide one hula hoop, one inflated beach ball and the directions to each group.
- Set a planning and practice time for all groups in play - for the first planning and practice time, I give them 10 minutes. Then, only three minutes before any other additional game. (I usually provide time for three games - scoring attempts.) All groups plan and practice at the same time.
- Set an 'Official Game' time - I also refer to this as a 'Scoring Attempt'. Depending on group objectives, a short game is two minutes, a long game is four minutes (long games are usually for groups working on that stick-to-it/grit objective). All groups play the Official Game at the same time - all groups are on the same clock held by the facilitator.
I love using this activity when there are lots of groups in play. We have great conversations about:
- Where ideas came from - were ideas 'stolen' from others?
- Did any collaboration take place?
- How did groups spent their planning and practice time.
- If a plan was made, did groups stick with it or change it in progress, and why?
- What distraction happened and how did groups deal with them?
- Did each group follow the directions (especially the one where each player take turns hitting the ball).
Here is the handout:

hooperdooper_guidelines.pdf |
All the best,
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.