In this Living Cards variation take out all the cards that represent something “living” – there are about 20 cards. Place them all face up on the floor (or table) with the group sitting around the cards. Ask the participants to consider a particular card or a combination of cards. This process can be specifically directed by the facilitator in order to point out particular relations or the process can be guided by the participants themselves based on what they see in the cards. Here are some question examples:
· How does this (these) living thing(s) interact with other (living) things?
· In what way(s) are these interactions positive or negative?
· Are the interactions by choice or by chance?
Go through a number of relational possibilities based on the cards. The transition to a more personal dialogue with participants that include the following questions:
· How do each of us interact with other (living) things?
· In what way(s) are these interactions positive or negative?
· Are the interactions by choice or by chance?
Provides an open (challenge with choice) opportunity to discuss personal stories and perspective about relationships between "living" things. (You could also consider talking about relationships with inanimate objects as well (e.g., Smart phones!!).
Let me know how it goes. Leave a comment below.
All the best,
Chris Cavert