Basic Directions: Ask participants to stand to one side or the other based on each either/or option. For example, first choice would be stand to my left, second choice is stand to my right. After participant move ask them to look around to see who is like them. Some choices might even promote a short discussion with those on the same side. Some practitioners use category splits to form groups for an upcoming activity. Here we go!
Script: Please choose from one of the two following options and then vote with your feet. During this experience I will ask you to choose from one of the two options, there will be no "in-between" or "veto" choices. Thanks. Okay, here we go....choose from the following:
- Clasp your hands, interlocking fingers and fold your thumbs. Is your right or left thumb on top?
- Fold your arms. Is your right or left arm on top?
- Which leg do you put in your pants first, right or left?
- Are you wearing or not wearing jewelry?
- When you your right or left hand on top?
- When you tap your foot to the music, do you use your right or left foot?
- When you write, do you mainly print or use cursive?
- With which eye to you give a spontaneous wink?
- What side of the bed do you sleep on (if looking from the foot of the bed)?
- When you lick an ice-cream cone, which way do you rotate the cone?
- Are you a scruncher or folder......toilet paper?
- Is your gas cap of your car on the left or right side - when sitting in the drivers seat?
Beyond the List - some I use and some from Quicksilver:
- Are you left or right handed?
- Are you more of a Star Trek fan or Star Wars?
- Using you finger as a pencil, draw a circle in the air in front of you. Did you draw it clockwise or counterclockwise?
- Do you have long or short hair? (No hair is REALLY short.)
- Using you finger as a pencil, draw a profile of a dog. Is the dog facing to the left or right?
- After a store purchase, do you count your change or not?
- Is the last digit of your cell phone number even or odd?
- Do you put in the toilet paper with the end over the top or under the bottom?
- When you see a penny on the ground, do you pick it up or ignore it?
- Do you shower most often in the morning or at night?
- If someone asks you to turn around, which way do you turn - to your left or right?
- When you open a letter, do you use a tool or just rip it open with your fingers?
- Are you a PC or a Mac/Apple?
Please share your favorites in the comments below!
All the best,
Chris Cavert