Set-Up: You'll need the Bakers Dozen Checklist (below) - one checklist for every four groups. (You, the facilitator, will be using the checklist.) Each small group of 2 to 8 participants will need one suit of cards (clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds), from a standard deck of playing cards (13 cards, Ace through King).
Process: The Checklist (again, small groups do not see it) has 12 different card 'Orders' listed on it. Each group is challenged to find as many of the Orders on the Checklist within the time allowed or until one group finds them all. (So far I have played this for 20 minutes without a group finding them all - without collaboration.)
Each small group works together to put the cards in a particular order that they can name (see Checklist). Cards can be set down in order on the floor/ground or, the encourage more participation, cards can be held in the hands of participants - each participant is required to have at least one card in his/her hand during the reveal.
When a group is ready to reveal and name a card Order they believe is on the list, they call you over and show you the card line (or holding up the cards) and tell you what Order they are presenting. (So far, every time I've done this the groups shared quietly so as to not reveal their finding to other groups - of course this is not required. One of the facilitated objectives for this activity is collaboration.)
If the Order they are showing is on the list you check it off for the group and then they go off to form another Order. If the Order they are showing can be considered a valid order, but is not noted on the list, then this is the "Bonus Order" (so, actually, it is on the list - but only one unknown can be used). Go check out the list to get the complete picture.
Processing Possibilities:
- Where did ideas for Orders come from? What does it mean to "build off of an idea?"
- Did your group get "stuck" at some point? What did you do about it?
- Was everyone able to share an Order idea? How did you feel when your Order was on the list? How did you feel when you found out your Order was not on the list? What rationale can you give to get your Order on the list? (How does one fight for their idea to be accepted?)
- When your group discovered an idea for an Order did you share it with another group? Why? Why not?
- What is it about being successful that is important to you?
- How would you define "creative thinking?" Where does it come from? Did you think you were thinking creatively? What can help you to be more creative?

bakersdozenchecklist_handout_cavert.pdf |
Have Fun!
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.