Key Pad (a.k.a., Key Punch, Quicksilver, Rohnke & Butler, 1995) variations have popped up over the years at the FUNdoing Blog (lots of ways to meet the needs of your groups):
- Ven Key Punch (two groups share some the same numbers)
- Key Punch: The Overlap (two groups sharing the same space)
- Table Top Key Punch (with a Rubber Chicken)
- Thread the Needle: A Key Punch Variation (an object is passed through a hoop)
In the, Thread the Needle post, I shared a rare 'G.E.M.' (gameplay enhanced material) write up - that was almost four years ago. Then, recently, I found the 'lost' video footage of this one. So, I figured a Reprise was in order. (If you've been with me since 2016 - thanks for staying with it. I do hope you've been having FUN!)
Here's the super-detailed G.E.M. write up...
(Find the Video is below.) |
Brief Overview
Set up an area with numbered spots (like the diagram) - it's nice to have about a 3 to 1 ratio (spots to players). (Don't forget, you can make inexpensive numbered spots using index cards!) NOTE: more spots in play takes more time to complete. Good constant movement for 8 to 10 players in a group. You'll need a (fun!) tossable object (there are rubber chickens and pigs in the video). This object is placed in, on or beside the bucket (facilitators choice), and the bucket is set just in front of the starting line. All players start from behind this line. |
The player on the final number, after catching the object, can run it back and place it into the bucket - time stops. (Or maybe there is a faster way to get the object back to and into the bucket?) Then, the team(s) can analyze and plan for another round (or two) in order to improve on their time. (Multiple teams/groups can play at the same time. Competition or Cooperation?)
Again, all the finer details (including processing ideas), are found in the PDF above.
Let me know how this one goes for you. And, do you have a favorite Key Pad/Punch variation you would like to share? Leave us a Comment.
All the best,
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.