Here are some of the 'Pipelines' and 'Gutters' I've used over the years: Round PVC piping of various sizes; Round PVC cut in half to make "Gutters" - this variation seems to be the most popular; Paper towel and toilet paper rolls - kept round or cut in half or cut a paper towel roll into a spiral!; Bubble tea straws (these are the big ones) or even the smaller straws; A single piece of 8 1/2 by 11 paper - participants can be creative with this resources; a short/small piece of wood; Clear flexible tubing; Hot wheels track (brings back memories); Tennis ball tubes cut up to form a round tube or cut in half for gutters; Foam pool noodles - two players work together, each with a noodle, pressing them together length-wise so something (e.g., tennis ball) can roll down the the track; the resources here are endless.
What sorts of pipelines/gutters and round spherical objects do you use? Leave a comment below.
All the best,
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.