Here's how the Word A Round Challenge works. First shuffle up the cards a bit - the backs of the cards will either be black, red or blue (notice the picture to the right), so you want a good mix. Each player in the group of 6 to 12 is then dealt a card face/rings down. It's good to have a nice mix of colored backs (black, red or blue).
Someone in the group is then designated to be the first person. Get ready to time the activity. On "GO!" the first person, let's say it's Steven who is holding a card with a blue back, turns his card over to reveal the face. Since the back of Steven's card is blue, the word in the blue ring must be discovered. (Now, the way you word the directions could limit this discovery to Steven alone or not.)
When the word in the blue ring is called out the person to Steven's left turns over her card. Sandy's card has a black back so the word in the black ring needs to be discovered. When the word is shouted out the next person to the left turns over his card. This process continues until the word on the last card in the group is shouted out - time then stops.
If you don't limit the discovery of the word to the person holding the card some wonderful problem solving can take place over a couple more rounds to get down to the fastest group time.
I'm guessing there are some other fun challenges for these cards. Pass them along in the comments below.
All the best,
Chris Cavert