Activity 1: The first activity he introduced involved each participant in the group finding his or her rhyming pair. Barney first gathered from the box the number of puzzle pieces we needed so each of us, with one piece, would have a rhyming match. He shuffled up the pieces and then we each picked one from the pile (if you have an odd number of players, then you, the facilitator, get to play). On "GO" we turned our card over and then mingled around until we found our match. After pairing up we introduced ourselves and shared some facts about each other - a nice way to connect with someone else in a safe way. And a great way to pair up participants randomly.

Activity 3: Being the experiential educators that we are, we proceeded to check out all the cards and found that we could create a fair number of "word lines" - think Word Circle Puzzles without connecting the words into a circle. House Cat & Fire Truck are two starts I remember....
Activity 4: We also noticed that the puzzle images could be used as a frontloading or processing tool. "Choose an image that best represents......" Like a TIRE, we want to make sure we keep rolling and recognize when we're stuck. We should remember to keep the FIRE burning for what we think is important. Lets be sure to acknowledge the things that can BUG us and figure out strategies to work through these things. We will likely have to wear different HATS during our time together - some of these hats are....
I'm sure there will be more fun pulled out of this versatile game. If you try it out pass along any new ideas through the comments below.
All the best,
Chris Cavert