What is something everyone has that goes up and never comes down?
This answer team can help answer questions (Yes or No) and can also take whispered answers from people near them. In this way more people have the opportunity to figure out the answer for themselves before it is revealed. I like to play until about half of the players have guessed correctly, then someone from the answer team will share the solution before we move on (to a little discussion, another riddle or activity).
What belongs to you but is used more by others?
AND, I do my best to always learn the names of my group members, along with their understanding, if I ask for help while I'm learning (makes me human after all). Cool story, for me anyway. I met someone named ILY - pronounces "eye-lee." Her story? It's an acronym from her parents - I Love You! How cool is that?
Here's a link to a (tight) page of 47 riddles (and answers at the bottom of the page) you can print them out for transport, or bookmark them on your computer or mobile device for easy access. I can see some "Plus" benefits out of numbers, 7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 22, 32, 33, 40, 45, 47. (And, just as riddles go, my favorite one of the set is number 21.)
Have FUN out there.
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.