Let's say we are using the "General" STH handout. The first section of criteria is worth 1 Point for each match. Let's use "One point for every brother and sister." Each player within a small group counts the number of brothers and sisters s/he has - yes, you can count step brothers/sisters and half brothers/sisters. Then each player shares his/her total. Add up all the totals. This number goes in the Points:____ column on the right side of the handout.
The second section is worth more points. For every player in the (small) group who has had (or has) braces they earn 5 points for the group - add up all the 5s and put this number in the points column. The final section has a few criteria worth open points (see the handout).
Have FUN out there! Keep me posted.
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.

statisticaltreasurehunt_general_cavert.pdf |

stattreasurehunt_highschool.pdf |