Here's the tag line: 180 activities for teachers, trainers, facilitators & group leaders of all kinds that turn ordinary index and playing cards into extraordinary teaching tools. (Full transparency: Jim has packed his new book with LOTS of activities - about half of them use Index Cards and Playing Cards. The other half are team building activities that utilize other props.)
Next, invite everyone to draw on their card (or create) five events from his/her life and then be prepared to share and discuss these illustrations (creations) within a small group of four to six people. So, this one can be done with any size group if you have enough creative materials.
(The story behind my card above: I'm an only child [the number 1] - I had an amazing mother. Summer camp and camping changed my life after moving "up north" from Milwaukee Wisconsin to Lake Five - country life was much kinder than the BIG city. I discovered my calling as an adventure educator and never looked back. And, finally, I've been able to travel all around the world, and have met some incredible people with their own wonderful stories.)
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.
NOTE: Received some feedback about font size - "...can you make the font bigger?" Well, yes! Thanks for asking. What do you think out there? How's this font size?