Karen developed this deductive challenge for up to 13 participants (there are 13 clue(s) cards to cut out). (Another good small group team building activity.) I also made another level of challenge for us. Karen numbered the clues cards. If read in order it's a little easier to follow the story/facts in chronological order. I took the numbers off the clue cards for another level of challenge - groups will need to sort out some of the chronological details. (So, there is a numbered version and an unnumbered version below.)
I'd say, this challenge is good for older middle school age and up. Again, for up to 13 participants. If you are working with larger groups, divide them up into smaller groups - each group getting a set of 13 clues cards. I wonder if they will collaborate?
NOTE: If you want to attempt to solve the crime, know that the Answer is on the final page of each PDF document.
All the best,
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.