- Place down 30 spots (of any kind, e.g., poly spots, numbered cards, or pieces of paper) - you could set them down in a straight line (like in the picture above & video below) or maybe a circle, or..... (Remember, you don't have to play with all 30 picture.)
- Decide: How many "reference" points will you use in your line. A reference point is a ZOOM picture placed face up on a spot in its correct place in the line. For example, you will see in the video the first picture (page) of the book (the crown of the roster) is placed on the first spot. Place down three to five more picture reference points along the line - the process is easier with more references. NOTE: Placing reference pictures on the first and/or last spots make it a bit easier for the group. WARNING: Be (darn!) sure you place the reference pictures on the correct spots in the order of the story (pages in the book). You can imagine what you will have to process if you don't!
- Deal out the remainder of the pictures to the participants in the group. Ask everyone to keep the picture(s) to themselves - don't show what you have. I like to first deal out one picture to everyone interested in playing (Zooming-by-Choice). Then, I ask if anyone is willing to work with another resource (picture) - I hand out another to those volunteering.
- The Challenge: Place the pictures face down on the spots - one page per spot - in the correct sequence (the order in which the pages are sequenced in the book). Use the reference pictures already down on the spots as your guide to deciding what goes where.
- You are only allowed to verbally describe, in any way, the picture(s) you have in your possession.
- You may not give away your picture(s) to anyone else in the group.
- You are not allowed to (in any way) show anyone the picture(s) on the page(s) you are holding.
- You are free to walk around the playing area.
- Spots may not be moved at any time.
- Reference pictures cannot be moved.
- The picture(s) you are holding are placed face down on a spot.
- Once a picture is placed on a spot it cannot be picked up or moved in any way.
- When all the pictures in your possession are placed on the available spots we can then turn them over to reveal your answer.
- Optional: You have 30 minutes to complete this task.
Your discussion(s) will be related to two possible outcomes (or three if you misplaced a reference picture): 1) All the pictures are in the correct order (based on the order of picture pages in the book), or 2) two or more pictures are out of order. Know you will be able to discuss what led to their success, what led to them being "mostly" successful, as well as what participants focused on most when they were not successful - being mostly or not at all successful. Of course, there will be a lot more group dynamics during the activity, so pull out what relates the best to the group's objectives.
All the best,
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.