Small Group Team Building: Mini FUNdoing BLog Index, Vol. 1
Small Group Activities: Mini-Index Volume #2
Baker's Dozen - All you need for this one is a standard deck of playing cards or any size. A small group (2 to 4) only needs one suit from the deck (13 cards) - multiple small groups can play at the same time. This one's a cognitive creativity-building sit down activity. Each small group is challenged to figure out the 13 different card 'orders' that are included on the Bakers Dozen Checklist the facilitator is holding (download at the Blog post). Good for upper middle school and older.
Hooper & Hooper Dooper (Revisted) - (Video included in Hooper Dooper) Each small group of 4 to 6 participants are challenged to "Hit" a beachball through a Hula-Hoop as many times as possible within a given time limit. Lots of potential for creative exploration. Self-Directed instructions are provided (download) if you want to hand off the directions and let the group(s) go. Good for middle school age and older - fine motor skills are beneficial.
Balloon Frantic Too (with Video) - A small group of 4 to 6 players are challenges to keep six inflated balloons aloft as long as possible (you'll also need some game spots). Lots of room for process improvement and reliance on team mates. I would do this one with older elementary and above. This is a good one to explore the idea of, "When is it your best?" Or, "When are your efforts good enough?"
Riddle Me This 1 & Riddle Me This 2 - Two sets of Riddles to help you and your group explore asking good questions, listening for the data and extending upon the Riddle content in order to get to know each other a little better. A nice quite-time sit down activity. Good with middle school and older.
Story Line Processing with Chiji Cards - Use any type of image cards for this one. (Chiji Cards are my favorite.) Reflect back through a program day in order to create a picture timeline of the experience. Groups of 2 to 8 with one deck/set of image cards works well with older middle school and above. (There is also a link in this post to a Dixit Cards version of this one for older groups - pictures are a bit more complex.)
We do hope these serve you well. Future FUNdoing Blog post activities that work well with small groups can be accessed quickly by going to Categories (down the right side of the Blog page) and clicking small group activities.
All the best,
Chris Cavert, Ed.D.